What are you waiting for?

Are you waiting for something? A fulfillment of a dream or goal? A new relationship or financial opportunity? A solution to a difficult problem or help for challenging circumstances? Are you waiting for things to change to give you something you do not have in your life or free you from something you do not want in your life? What do you do while you are waiting?

Waiting is usually not a pleasant activity for people. We hate waiting in lines, in offices and airports, in traffic, for a needed package to arrive. We often get aggravated, impatient, sometimes worried or even depressed. While waiting we usually have less control, or at least it seems that way. When things are moving, we feel action taking us towards a goal, moving towards something we want or need or to the experience of something better than where we are or have been.

Our culture wants us to keep moving, take the next step, achieve the next goal. Waiting seems to be counterproductive and an obstacle to success and prosperity. I always feel better when things are moving. I have the perception of getting somewhere, anywhere. The times I have had to wait have been brutal. Having chronic illness for almost 3 decades kept me waiting in doctors’ offices a lot and waiting for the next alternative approach to diminish my symptoms, to give me relief from unbearable pain, fatigue and limiting immobility. While my health deteriorated I grew weary of waiting for some improvement or just not to get worse. During difficult times while alone I grew depressed waiting for a phone call or text from busy friends who had lot of things to keep moving towards. I found myself homebound alone for months waiting for something to change. It became almost unbearable. 

I had practiced acceptance for many years to improve the experience of having chronic illness. I learned to focus on gratitude for the things I had instead of focusing on my pain and immobility. When total isolation set in, it moved to another level more difficult than anything I had known. Death seemed welcomed, even attractive, like the early days of my diagnoses that told me I had no hope for anything but deterioration of my condition and worsening intolerable symptoms. 

Fortunately I was in a study of the books of the bible written by Moses about the struggling of the Israelites for 40 years in the desert waiting to get to the land promised for their nation which had been set free from the bondage of slavery in Egypt. They struggled along the way grumbling and complaining about what they wanted that they did not have. All their needs were met but not their wants. There were stories of death from rebellion and stories of mercy and healing, even abundance of food and fresh flowing water, with clothing and shoes that never wore out. They followed a cloud by day and a fire by night representing the presence of God leading them to start, move, stop and wait. Today we have the opportunity to have the presence of God through the Holy Spirit within us similarly leading us to start, move, stop and wait. 

Over many years of waiting, I had learned how to listen to God while studying the bible. It works for innumerable people around the world since the times of ancient rabbis practicing meditating on the Word of God. Meditation is reflection, reading, praying for inspiration and listening in the mind, heart and spirit. There was a part of my study where God revealed the Israelites were being prepared to learn to follow and have faith in God to prepare them to conquer the Canaanites and take possession of the land they were promised. They could not do it on their own. They needed to listen and follow God’s wisdom, direction, timing and power. Otherwise they would have been destroyed in their first battle. 

 I heard God speaking to me  from that passage. I had always been self or other directed, but not directed by God. I believed in God, loved God and wanted to obey God in morals but not in leading me day by day through my life. For many reasons I did not think it God’s job to lead me or that I could follow if He did, or that I did not want to go wherever God might be leading me. I only surrendered when I was in crisis with no other options like I was at the time I was all alone with my condition worsening. I turned it over completely without complaining or any expectations of what the result might be and God lifted me out with a miracle as had happened several times before in my life, enough to make me believe more than ever that God could and would lead me to good things.

Through this revelation from my bible study, I found acceptance of circumstances I judged unfair, oppressive, beyond my tolerance. Since that time, I have been learning to follow God more closely like the Israelites had to do every day, accepting all things that I cannot change and praying for wisdom through prayer, quiet time with God and meditation and study of the Bible, letting the Holy Spirit guide me like the cloud by day and the fire by night. My life has slowly improved, picking up speed as my faith grows and my ability to keep following and trusting in God’s love and goodness towards me when I am waiting. 

My life took a big turn the last few months as I moved ahead more rapidly with health improvement, mobility and healing. I loved the pace I was moving at. I started this blog and website to share everything I have learned along the long journey I have traveled to a life of much peace, joy and fulfillment, even if things are not going the way I would want or circumstances get painful or challenging. 

The last few days I was hit with some unexpected painful experiences. I wanted to bounce back right away and keep moving. But God had me waiting and I had nothing to write on my blog. I am still learning to wait when I need to and do the things that I think are not as rewarding or as important in my mind as writing this blog. But along the way I see I am still in ‘training’ to be victorious in whatever battles I might face and to help others to face their own challenges and battles while following and trusting God to lead when and how to move.

Thank you for liking, any comments and for following my blog. If you follow, you will get emails whenever I post. If you have any subjects or questions you would like me to consider in my blog, or, suggestions for resources I will be developing, add a comment for others to like, or send your comments through my contact page with more explanation. You can also request prayers on my contact page. You can also follow or connect with me on Twitter, Instagram or my Facebook page with links here. I keep all correspondence by email and direct messaging confidential. 

Searching for truth?

Are you searching for truth? What is truth? Is truth relative, changing depending on the situation and circumstances? Truth is defined as: “that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality; a fact or belief that is accepted as true.” So how do we find what is true? How do we learn or choose what to believe? How do we define reality with so many different perspectives and viewpoints? 

As a child, I was threatened if I thought outside the box of ‘truth’ I was given by those around me. Some threats came from my family members, all seemingly bigger and stronger than me. Often threats came with bodily harm and abuse. Some threats came from teachers with shame and punishments. Other threats came from my church with eternal damnation. I learned what I believed to be truth by fear. 

As I got older I still tended not to think for myself. I learned to gather a consensus from people I hung around or respected, especially those who had the most confidence in themselves, seemingly successful or who considered themselves infallible and experts in everything. I felt safer connecting and agreeing with these kind of people because I had learned through childhood messages to believe I could never be right or find the truth myself. I lost the capacity of discernment for myself. These messages were repeatedly confirmed into early adulthood by the type of people towards whom I tended to gravitate: people who considered themselves experts in everything, did not like anyone who disagreed with them, and were certain to speak their mind about everything and everybody. I felt the safest with people who firmly believed their own truth no matter what anyone else said. 

As my life fell apart I kept searching for more and more experts. I built a huge library of books and collected almost 20 medical specialists. Today there are a multitude of experts given the internet, cable TV channels, millions of websites, books, blogs, free PDF’s, videos, e-books and social media networks. I gathered these information sources like a squirrel gathering nuts. Often the pieces of truth disagreed which only caused confusion. Some advice worked and others made things worse. I got lost in a web of information I could not wade through. Ultimately my life got much worse than I imagined it could. For most of my life I traveled through a long dark tunnel from a very dark childhood with only glimpses of light along the way. Some of those glimpses of false lights turned into trains coming fast towards me for destruction. 

Then I found the truth of Jesus Christ, the Bible and the Holy Spirit. For the first time I was finding the truth and light for my path, healing for my heart, mind and body, and wisdom for decisions that daily amaze me. As I studied the bible with the help of the Holy Spirit given me through a relationship with Jesus Christ, I found I was learning the truth but not just for head knowledge. It started changing my life and changing me. I invite you on a journey to discover what this might mean for you and your life. I will be sharing my experiences here to help you on your way, including some resources explaining methods and simple practices that can help you become your own discerner of truth that might be offered by the multiple sources that come your way.

Pilate asked Jesus: ‘what is the truth?” when Jesus said he came to testify to the truth (John 18:37-38). Jesus had said that God’s Word is truth (John 17:17), that the Holy Spirit leads us into all truth (John 16:3) and that he is the truth (John 14:6). In that same bible book, John said that truth came through Jesus Christ (John 1:17). He wrote his book so that people would come to know and believe in Jesus and find a better life. The gospel of John is a wonderful book of the bible. It is written not only as a historical record but with spiritual interpretation. You can join a study of John’s gospel starting this week with Bible Study Fellowship, an international organization offering bible study groups around the world. Their link is


Thank you for liking, any comments and for following my blog. If you follow, you will get emails whenever I post. If you have any subjects or questions you would like me to consider in my blog, or, suggestions for resources I will be developing, add a comment for others to like, or send your comments through my contact page with more explanation. You can also request prayers on my contact page. I keep all email correspondence confidential.

Which Way Are You Going?

Are you headed in the right direction? How do you know? Especially when faced with obstacles, choices, difficult circumstances and situations, how do you navigate through your life to find the best path? In my life I have had incredible difficulties and challenges seemingly insurmountable or even survivable. You can read my bio on the about page to find a summary. Given my childhood, I learned to survive by being alert, aware, analytical and resourceful, among other less healthy patterns. Around age 5 a near death experience caused me to believe in God who became a constant companion, with no other person in my life I could trust not to hurt me. 

As my difficult circumstances continued into adolescence, I lost that trust and faith. I decided to seek wisdom from the world and whoever I found willing to give advice. We can always find lots of people to give us advice and a lot of it is good. But how do we judge for ourselves which advice is good for us at any particular moment in any particular situation? Do we search for good reviews? Have those reviews always turned out to be best for us? Each of us has an individual unique path with lots of turns that cannot be fathomed by any amount of analysis, especially given the amount of opposing and confusing information now available. There is not enough time to research and decide. But I used to try. Looking back, some turned out good, but many turned out worse for me, or at least wasted time and money until the next solution came along. I spent years and all my money searching and trying anything that seemed ‘helpful’ or had a good recommendation. Ultimately given serious health issues without any available solutions, I turned back to God for help, following various spiritual practices and eventually teaching them to others. I gained some temporary peace but no permanent solutions, and when things worsened the peace disappeared. 

One day a friend gave me a tape of a lecture on a bible passage, Proverbs 3:5-6 (shown below). I listened and my heart lit up. It talked about letting go of our self reliance and analysis and trusting God to lead us and make our path straight, removing obstacles. That started my journey into the bible, a book I owned but never opened or was taught to use through 12 years of Christian school. The next few years were like doors and windows being opened in my mind and eventually in my heart, as I gained wisdom and experienced solutions and direction for impossible and challenging circumstances in ways I could not explain except to credit God. I realized through experience that only God has all the information needed to direct our choices and lead us on a path that connects us with the resources we need along the way. Only God knows everything about us and our past, every possible aspect of our circumstances, the results of every possible choice we could make, and information about the entire world over all moments of time. 

The experiences became more dramatic, undeniable, and, in some cases, miraculous, the more I learned to trust and follow God, as the bible verse says. My life became a journey of experiencing God’s best direction and results for my life’s choices, healing of my body, recovery from financial loss, the permanent transformation of my mind and personality and the deepening of my relationship with God in Christ, all with the help of the Holy Spirit, promised by Jesus for those very purposes. Perhaps this verse will speak to you. 

Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in and rely confidently on the Lord with all your heart. And do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know and acknowledge and recognize Him, And He will make your paths straight and smooth, removing obstacles that block your way. ”

Thank you for liking and following my blog. If you have any subjects or questions you would like me to consider in my blog, add a comment for others to like or send them through my contact page with more explanation. I keep all email correspondence confidential.